How do I check if an existing gift card is cancelled when unarchiving the return request?


To check whether if a gift card is disabled, follow the steps below:

  1. In the unarchive confirmation modal, click on "gift card". This will direct you to the gift card order in Shopify.

  2. In the gift card order on Shopify, scroll down to the order timeline. Expand the section for "Shopify scheduled 1 gift card for fulfillment" and click on the gift card code. You will be redirected to the gift card page.

  3. The gift card is cancelledĀ if a "Disabled" badge is shown beside the gift card code. Otherwise, the gift card is not cancelled.

Note: If the gift card is disabled and you wish to create a new one, be sure to check the box labeled "Yes, please create a new gift card" (see Image 1) when unarchiving the return request.