How do I cancel a gift card when archiving the return request?
By default, a gift card is generated only after you’ve resolved the return request. However, if you’ve previously requested PostCo to have the gift card generated at an earlier stage (after request is reviewed or the item is in transit), you’ll be prompted to cancel the gift card when archiving the return request.
To cancel the gift card, follow the steps below:
In the archive confirmation modal, click on "gift card". You will be directed to a new page displaying the gift card order.
In the gift card order on Shopify, scroll down to the order timeline. Expand the section for "Shopify scheduled 1 gift card for fulfillment", then click on the gift card code. This will redirect you to the gift card page.
In the gift card page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Disable" button. Then, click the "Disable gift card" button in the confirmation modal.
The gift card is successfully disabled when a "Disabled" badge is shown beside the gift card code.