Error: Item might already refunded on Shopify


Why am I prompted this error?

There is a possibility that one or more of the same items have already been refunded separately on Shopify. Therefore, to prevent additional refund/gift card/discount code/exchange order from being created, we would recommend checking the already-refunded item on Shopify to make sure that the appropriate update is done.

Otherwise, you may reject the item to prevent the app from continuing with the creation of the refund/gift card/discount code/exchange order.

How can I check the amount that has been refunded to the customer?

  1. You can click on the "View on your store" link on the top right corner of the PostCo return request page.

  2. Within the order page, scroll down to look for the refund activities in the order timeline.

  3. Expand the section to check the returned item and amount refunded.

How can I refund the remaining amount if the item has been partially refunded?

  1. We would recommend to reject all the items when managing the return request in PostCo dashboard.

  2. Go to the order page on the Shopify dashboard, and click on the refund button in the top right corner.

  3. You can ignore selecting items and type in the amount to refund in the Summary section on the right.

  4. Click on "Refund".

What actions can I take to reduce the warning occurrences in the future?

To avoid such occurrences in the future, we would highly recommending processing all customers' returns solely through PostCo. Should there be a need to proceed with the refund separately on Shopify, do take note that you would be prompted with the error above when trying to update the return requests.

Can PostCo prevent refunds on Shopify?

Unfortunately, Shopify does not allow us to prevent staffs with the relevant access from issuing refunds on Shopify.